Seasonal Lawn Mowing Tips for Orlando Homeowners

Orlando, FL – Orlando’s sunshine, warm temperatures, and frequent rain showers create a unique climate that can be both beneficial and challenging for lawns. Green Lawns Solutions, your trusted Orlando lawn care provider, is here to help you understand these local conditions and develop a personalized plan to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful year-round.

Understanding Orlando’s Unique Climate

Orlando’s climate falls under the classification of humid subtropical. This means hot, humid summers with frequent afternoon thunderstorms and mild, dry winters. This specific climate presents several key factors to consider for optimal lawn care:

  • Warm Season Grasses: Due to Orlando’s warm temperatures, St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass are the most popular choices for lawns. These warm-season grasses thrive in the heat and humidity and become dormant during the cooler winter months.
  • Frequent Rainfall: Orlando receives a significant amount of rainfall throughout the year. While this is beneficial for watering lawns, it can also lead to problems with fungal diseases and excessive weed growth.
  • Strong Sun: Orlando experiences intense sunlight year-round. This can be helpful for some warm-season grasses but can also scorch lawns during the hottest parts of the year.

Seasonal Lawn Mowing Tips

By understanding Orlando’s unique climate and the specific needs of your warm-season grass, you can adjust your mowing practices throughout the year:

  • Summer: During the hot summer months, raise your mower height to provide shade for the grass roots and retain moisture in the soil. Mow less frequently, perhaps once a week, depending on growth.
  • Fall: As temperatures begin to cool, you can gradually lower your mowing height. Continue to mow regularly to remove fallen leaves and prevent disease.
  • Winter: Since warm-season grasses become dormant in winter, mowing frequency can be reduced significantly. However, it’s still important to mow occasionally to remove any dead blades or debris that may accumulate.
  • Spring: As spring arrives and your warm-season grass awakens from dormancy, you can resume your regular mowing routine. Consider spring aeration to improve drainage and allow oxygen to reach the grass roots.

Addressing Common Lawn Issues

Orlando’s climate can also contribute to specific lawn care challenges:

  • Weeds: The warm, humid conditions and frequent rain can create a perfect environment for weed growth. Regular herbicide applications or organic weed control methods may be necessary.
  • Grubs: These destructive lawn pests can wreak havoc on your lawn. If you suspect a grub problem, contact Green Lawns Solutions for professional pest control solutions.
  • Fungal Diseases: The combination of heat and humidity can lead to fungal diseases. Proper watering practices, good air circulation through proper mowing height, and fungicide applications can help prevent these issues.


By understanding Orlando’s unique climate and implementing these helpful tips, you can ensure your lawn thrives year-round. Green Lawns Solutions, your Orlando landscaper, is here to partner with you in creating a healthy, vibrant lawn you can be proud of. Contact us today for a free consultation and let our experienced professionals help you achieve a beautiful, flourishing lawn.

About Green Lawns Solutions
Green Lawns Solutions – Your go-to Orlando lawn care expert, specializing in mowing, edging, mulching, shrub trimming, and lawn clean-up. We transform outdoor spaces into stunning landscapes that exceed expectations. From meticulous lawn mowing to precise edging, we ensure healthy, vibrant, and well-maintained lawns. As the premier choice for Orlando landscaping, we deliver exceptional results that showcase “The Green Standard in Lawn Care”. Whether residential or commercial, our tailored services cater to your specific needs. Experience the difference with Green Lawns Solutions for a beautiful outdoor space. Contact us now for a free estimate!

Contact Information
(407) 584-4885

Orlando, FL – Orlando’s sunshine, warm temperatures, and frequent rain showers create a unique climate that can be both beneficial and challenging for lawns. Green Lawns Solutions, your trusted Orlando lawn care provider, is here to help you understand these local conditions and develop a personalized plan to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful year-round.…